Independent Tour: 3,700 Chf
10 nights (Optional rest days)
Shorter tours possible.
Dates: March through October
BOOK TOURThis morning you and your bicycle will board the ferry directly in front of your hotel. The ride takes 30 minutes and brings you to Gersau. From there you will follow a flat lakeside road to Altdorf, the capital of Canton Uri.
For the Swiss, there is no legend more powerful than the story of William Tell and Altdorf is where the story takes place. Stretch your legs to admire the bronze statue of William Tell in the city center, but then fill your bottles. It’s time to tackle the Klausen Pass.
You’ll be climbing for approximately 1600 meters in 20 kilometers. There are hairpin turns, 100 meter-high waterfalls and snow capped mountains to admire. The route also takes you right along the Urner Boden Alp, Switzerland’s largest and possibly most beautiful Alp with over 1200 head of grazing cows.
Have lunch at the summit and admire the views. Afterwards, put on another layer of clothing and enjoy 20 kilometers of coasting to reach the open valley below.
You have now got a long, beautiful stretch of flat road all the way to Weesen.
Your hotel is just outside of Weesen directly on the Walensee, a long, pristine mountain lake that stays cool even on the hottest days.